Berambadi watershed is located near to Gundlupet town in Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka state in South India. The area of watershed is approximately 100 km2. The watershed lies in semi-arid climate zone with a mean annual dominant South-West monsoon rainfall of 800 mm. Based on the latest Köppen-Geiger updated world climate classification, the watershed is classified as AWh (Equatorial, Desert/arid, Dry). It has Bandipur National park at its west boundary. The main three soil types in the area are comprising of black, red and rocky/weathered soils, as identified by the geophysical studies. These are representative of the soil types for granitic/gnessic lithology found in South India. The main land use classes encountered in the area are: dense/closed forest, scrub forest, land with scrub, Kharif (summer) crop, double crop and plantation. During Kharif (summer) and Rabi (winter) marigold, sunflower, finger millet, maize, garlic, sugarcane, sorghum, water-melon, lentils, and groundnut etc., are grown.
Ongoing studies:
Estimation of Evapotranspiration from Remote Sensing
Soil Moisture Estimation from Remote Sensing
Details are provided here.